From Season 1 to 2

ThisIsIterative3 (1)

Earlier this year, This is Iterative aired Season 1 all about the process of design thinking and our work as educators understanding our own vulnerabilities and struggles.

In total Season 1 is 9 episodes. We worked really hard to follow the design thinking process as a way of laying out the flow of each week, we also did two interviews and finally shared our learning about starting this podcast on the last episode.

I am particularly proud of the fact that we got this out and we are learning from the process each and every time we re-connect. I think we were able to cover a wide breadth of topics while getting our podcast legs. I love the fact that Trey and I are able to simply share our experiences and that in turn can help others.

Check out Season 1 and let us know what you think.

We are in the process of taping Season 2 to be released in the new year. Already we have done a great episode on giving and getting feedback and another episode on learning from others.

I think for Season 2 you can expect more about getting in touch with design thinking in practice and find out about where Trey and I are constantly looking for inspiration.