One week until Through My Lens

We are one week from launching Through My Lens, so I thought now would be a good time for a little history. In March, I met with Cat who came to be with an idea to get people to take pictures in their cities in order to start getting stories and ideas about the city. This idea blossomed and now we are running Through My Lens in Toronto and in Kingston.

Over 100 photographers will be taking city inspired images for 10 days in Toronto. For added inspiration, we are leading 4 neighbourhood walking tours around Toronto. Their images and stories will be collected for our Nuit Blanche exhibit in Parkdale.  We are 1 of 18 rental truck installations in Leitmotif and 1 of 5 community based installations. Our truck installation is an interactive city building themed truck.

When you come to visit us on October 1, you are the curator of our exhibit. You will help us design our exhibit with hundreds of city images, then we will  layer your stories and build dialogue. Inside the truck you can participate in storytelling and a photo shoot with a cardboard city scape backdrop. We are looking to gain insight into what the community focuses on in the city and how we can inspire positive change.

Inspire Yourself!
