Dear 2013,
It has been a fantastically great year of learning, growing and sharing. We are spending time this week thinking about all we have done, what has come of the year and where we are headed. Looking back at how we were Ringing in 2013, it is nice to see that the resolutions we made stuck and now we are ready to say goodbye again and bring on 2014.
This year, we have had the extreme pleasure of working with some fabulous collaborators, convening spaces for conversation, working to really embrace and celebrate failures as learning opportunities and having way too much fun.
As the final weeks of 2013 speed by, we are trying to tie up lose ends and working to do it with flare and perhaps put a bow on it.
Thanks for bringing us these highlights:
[section title=”AMAZING CONFERENCES”]
- EduCon in Philly
- SXSWedu in Austin
- EdCamp STEAM in NYC
- ECOO in Niagara
- Engineers without Borders
- York University
- FUSE in Atlanta
- ELN Studio
- DIY Days
- EdCamp Design Thinking
[section title=”PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT”]
- Glen Shields Public School
- Design Thinking for Impact
- Tune Up
[section title=”AND…”]We moved, did Strategic Planning and Colin came on board :)[/section]
What an amazing year, I will remember the network of collaborators, educators and friends who have supported us through, a focus on learning to get to failure and beyond, and ultimately that we are connecting the dots in ways I could never have imagined. I am so excited for what 2014 is going to bring.
[section title=”IN 2014, WE RESOLVE TO”]
- celebrate our failures
- commit to being a learning organization
- practice our craft
- live the process
- make meaning of our work
See ya later 2013, we will remember you fondly!
c/o the Exhibit Change team