Building blocks

Lego pieces are well known as interlocking building blocks.

Lego pieces build foundations.

Lego pieces are better together than alone.

While at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, there was a wall of lego pieces, this sparked a conversation between Ed and I about lego pieces and the way they represent different people.

There are the “regular” pieces – they connect with everything, they are the solid foundations, they are the pieces that are reliable, workable, trustworthy and are part of every connection.

Then there are the “unique” pieces – they are parts of special connections, they build bridges, they are the pieces that are intricate, independent, experimental and stand apart from the rest.

Ed pointed out that he is a “regular” piece, he is part of the bigger picture and is always part of a team. The colour of the pieces may change, but all the “regular” pieces follow a certain pattern, they support the structure and value their positions.

Ed said I am a “unique” piece, I am different than the “regular” pieces but fit in with them to build structures. The “unique” piece is always going to be recognizable as different and will be easily picked out from the rest.

All the pieces work together, they play together in a box and are all happy to build something new and magnificent. What kind of Lego piece are you?